Vanta - An elegant dark theme built with Astrojs and Talwind CSS for your next e-learning project
Vanta - An elegant dark theme built with Astrojs and Talwind CSS for your next e-learning project
Astro template for the Ubuntu Vanilla CSS Framework.
Super Store - A minimalist and modern ecommerce theme
A sleek and modern personal website for you.
Studiomax - A modern agency theme inspire on the 80s built with Astrojs and Talwind CSS for your agency
A playful small business theme and blog. Built with Astro and Tailwind CSS.
A light-weight theme for your release notes
Everything you need to build a stellar documentation website. Fast, accessible, and easy-to-use.
Spydea is a beautiful Astro template that is perfect for a wide variety of businesses, including SaaS, startups, and agencies.
A clean & simple mobile app landing page with smooth animations & a perfect lighthouse score.
Spazio Bianco - A clean, modern and techy theme built with Astrojs and Talwind CSS for your next project
Snowpeak - A fun and classic theme theme built with Astrojs and Talwind CSS for a blor or your personal website
Anyone can submit a theme to Astro. If you have questions about building your own theme, join our community on Discord!
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